Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Faith That's Meant to Be Shared

I walked into a wonderful conversation the other day.  I, and other members of the church I now work at as the Interim Children’s Director, were hosting the Kids Zone at the George Washington Parkway Classic 10 Mile/5 K Run in Alexandria, VA.  One of the volunteers asked me a simple question- How do you share your faith with others?  It was really quite provocative because she wasn’t asking it as a litmus test for my walk but instead as a way to process something she’s been grappling with internally for a while now.

I was caught a little off guard but replied in a manner I often do when someone asks me something that I have been reflecting upon and am just bursting to discuss, “That’s a very good question”.  See, a few months ago, someone asked me if I’ve shared my faith with an unbeliever (in this case it was the litmus test question) and I had no idea how to answer that.  No, I don’t go up to people, ask if they are a non-believer and then walk them down Roman’s Road.  That seems absurd to me.  Scripture quoting and spiritual clichés are not my thing.  But I didn’t have an adequate response for why I was or wasn’t sharing my faith with unbelievers because I really didn’t know if I was.

Back to last week’s conversation.  I shared with her that I believe it is less about having the right scripture to recite to someone than it is being a true reflection of God’s love.  For, when you are a reflection of God’s love people sense that there’s more to you than what’s surface.  I’d like to think of it as a spiritual connection of who lives in you and the internal struggle of negotiating that with what lives inside the other person. 

At any rate, over the past few months I’ve heard some powerful anecdotes sprinkled in theologically-sound preaching that has reinforced this for me.  The first message was delivered at First Baptist Church of Glenarden by a visiting missionary from South Africa.  He shared a moving story of how his father, a known drunk and self-proclaimed atheist, was converted through months of casual chess games with a believer that first entered his life as the workman that re-carpeted his floors.  Because of a chance encounter that evolved into a friendship, not only was he converted but his entire family’s eternal lives (and thousands others that are being impacted by the missionary’s work) were changed.  It wasn't done through a single conversation of proclaiming the man and sinner with certain damnation in his future.  Instead a relationship was formed, through which the elements of his faith, and ultimately the nature of God, were exposed slowly but consistently.

A radio broadcast of a previously preached sermon retold the story of Zacchaeus and Jesus.  A notorious and vehemently hated chief tax collector, Zacchaeus went to great lengths to seek Jesus when he came to Jericho.  Because he couldn’t see due to the crowds and his short height he ran ahead and climbed a tree to ensure he’d get a good look at Him when He passed.  As He passed, their spirits connected and Jesus told him to come down quickly because He was staying at his house.  Jesus deliberately meet him where he was to show love, compassion and concern.  And through this (and Zacchaesus’ desire to right his wrongs), his entire “house” was saved. 

The last story I’ll share is from just a few weeks ago where a representative from Fresh Expressions shared the concept behind this movement at a “Lunch and Learn” session at Downtown Baptist Church in Alexandria, VA (where I work now!).  As detailed in the introduction on their website, “in many different places, Christians are stepping out in faith and beginning fresh expressions of church: new or different forms of church for a changing culture.”  These are deliberate attempts to share faith with unbelievers in authentic and unique ways that reach them at their points of need.

So, with all that God has been pouring into me lately, this is how I answered her question:  I share my faith through the natural ways I interact with people.  I believe because of how I carry myself they are able to see something different about me.  It may not be on a conscious level at first but they sense something different about me. 

Then she began to speak.  She shared that often people ask her why she is happy.  But she doesn’t know what to say because she is just naturally happy.  Happy for the life God has blessed her with and the love He constantly displays despite her unworthiness.  She mentioned that when she does share with co-workers that she’s happy because of God, they flinch.  I think the flinch is good.  In a way it is pricking their spirit and causing some level of discomfort.  And discomfort in sin or separation from God is good.  I shared with her that she doesn’t need to censor this reply in order for them to feel comfortable.  My belief is that this is planting a seed.  One she may see grow or one that will continue to be watered by others that God sets in their path.  Then one day, the discomfort will become so great and the truth so clear that things will suddenly make sense and the need for a Savior will be undeniable.

We ended our conversation, both of us drawing the same conclusion- I share my faith through my everyday existence, meeting the person where they are.  Those that are lost likely aren’t going to be sitting on your pew at church.  Instead they are in your office, on your metro bus, at your gym, in your neighborhood.  Because those that are in most need of knowing about salvation and being invited into a relationship with Christ are around us in our everyday lives, it is imperative that our actions, words and deeds are true reflections of God.  Our love should be a manifestation of His love.  Our words should be rooted in His truths.  Our behaviors should be consistent with what He did when He walked this earth as a man.  That’s when our faith is able to minister to others and suggest that there’s something about us that is different.

Finally, I love what seems like a promise to me.  Through our authentic sharing of our faith through every day, real-life experiences we are truly living out the mandate that Jesus gave us- to make disciples of men.  And what is so beautiful to me, as evidenced in the stories shared above, when we do so we aren’t just impacting one life.  For that reconciled heart then shares their faith with others, who in turn accept salvation and then share with others, and so on.  And I believe that is the true weight of the promise.  So, our living a life that conveys our faith can potentially save a generation of lost souls! 
Remember, because of Zacchaeus’ desire to know more, Jesus exposed him to the very essence of God and His glory, causing him to repent.  From this experience he was saved.  But not only him, but his house.  Salvation came to an entire household (and in those days that meant everyone associated with his house- wife, children, servants, etc).

How awesome is it to know that our walk has the ability to change so many lives if we just allow our faith to speak for us and minister to people at their point of need!    

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Submission - Getting to the Root of the Issue

This is part II of a reflection on Submission.  Check out the first part, S*bm!ss!@n.

As you know, I am exploring the practice of submission in an attempt to grow in this area.  Therefore, I’ve undertaken a season of study, reflection and application.  Mid-March I attended the United Sisters For Your Journey women’s retreat, sponsored by my church, First Baptist of Glenarden.  I didn’t mean to attend the workshop session about taking shortcuts, but I was running late (so unlike me…) and didn’t want to walk in late on my first choice session.  But, I was pleasantly surprised about how good this workshop was.  The key theme communicated during the session was that this:  the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line.  As a Christian, our straight line is obedience.  We were posed with the question “What area of your life is God asking you to be obedient in?”

Before I share my response to this question, I want to unpack this obedience thing just a bit.  Nothing I’m going to share is deep, innovative or uncommon.  But it is something I neglected to explicitly internalize and verbalize before now.  Obedience is doing what another has asked you to do.  So, obedience is nothing more than submitting, and in this case, to God.  Often, being obedient to God isn’t easy, fun or attractive.  Yet, it is surely the best course of action.  Why then, is it so hard for me to act in accordance with his commands, trusting fully that His plan is best and will lead to the awesome promises He’s made to me?  Simple- Faith, or lack thereof.  My independent, willful attitude. 

The area of my life that I identified as needing to be submitted to God is my health.  I’m doing good with the lifestyle of fitness.  My eating habits are not aligned with being healthy though.  Why?  My attitude is if I’m working out (and even if I’m not) I can eat whatever I want to.  What I select to put in my body is my choice.  Right?  Reflecting on this further I clearly see the connection with submission.  I know that a healthy diet is pleasing to God.  But because I want to be in control of that area of my life I am not willing to consistently make healthy food choices, deny my flesh and obey what He’s been asking me to do for years.  So I eat what I want, when I want and however much I want because nobody can tell me not to.  Until now!

Eating healthy is the next priority to layer in.  What this means in practical terms is ensuring I prepare well-balanced meals, drink enough water each day and manage my portion sizes.  It means limiting my sugar intake and being conscious and deliberate about what I put in my body.  Going out to eat is still an option- I just need to make good choices when I do so.

A few more things became clear to me last week that I need to further process.  First, I can’t go on auto-pilot.  In Luke 9:23 it states, “And he said to all, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me’.”  Clearly I’m told to daily take up my cross, submit to God’s will and follow Him.  Therefore, I must be intentional each and every day to ensure I am aligned with His expectations, commands and will.  So, submission truly is a lifestyle, manifested in the way that I follow and serve others.

In my women’s bible study class I was asked to speak on my self-identified stronghold of submission.  Since I’ve been meditating on this all month I was ready for it.  The conversation really just solidified some things in my head.  The question was asked how do you show a submissive spirit to the person you’re dating/courting (because until you say “I do” you are not called to submit to that man).  So simple yet profound (at least to me) is the fact that people will be able to see the qualities of a submissive woman as evidenced in the way that she walks with God, interacts with her boss, attitudes towards authority, etc.  Surely, we are known by the fruit we bear (Matthew 7:16).

To take this a step further and assist me in my quest to become a submissive person, I now understand that what I do in one area of my life is transferrable to other areas of my life.  How many times have we, as singles, heard that this is the time of preparation?  Too many, in my opinion.  But that is so true.  How can I aspire to be a good wife, knowing full well that wives are commanded to submit to their husbands, if I refuse to submit to those currently in positions of authority in my life?  So, by me consistently submitting to God, it should cross over into my relationships with my supervisor, with the police, with political and spiritual authorities, etc. 

Knowing that this isn’t an easy undertaking, nor one that I will magically one day conquer, I am committed to taking it one day at a time.  Each day being deliberate to listen for God’s voice, obey it and walk in accordance to His will.  Yes, daily picking up that cross to follow Him into the beautiful destiny that awaits me.